ABLE ACT IMPLEMENTATION Desired Outcome: Pennsylvania Down syndrome community is aware of the opportunities resulting from the ABLE Act and are actively utilizing the benefit
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Desired Outcome: Facilitate opportunities for individuals with Down syndrome to obtain quality, competitive and meaningful employment
INCLUSIVE EDUCATION Desired Outcome: Individuals in Pennsylvania with Down syndrome are provided opportunities to maximize education and social skillsets to meet their individual needs through an inclusive approach.
MEDICAL COMMUNITY RELATIONS – ACCESS TO CARE Desired Outcome: Individuals with Down syndrome shall have reasonable access to quality and comprehensive healthcare that address their healthcare needs
LAW ENFORCEMENT RELATIONS AND EDUCATION Desired Outcome: Public safety and emergency service individuals are trained and aware of how to interact with individuals with Down syndrome
- ORGAN DONOR Legislation Desired Outcome: No individual with Down syndrome shall be prevented from getting an organ transplant based on the reason that they have any disability
ISSUES PDSAC Has Identified
for its Workplan
Below are issues identified during the PDSAC Strategic Planning Session held on August 27th that the coalition will lead, collaborate, monitor, support and/or influence through the work of its members and subgroups.
Pictures from session facilitated by Mitch Rothholz (Photographer: Julie Gerhart-Rothholz)